This month's interview is with the positively lovely Lenka Scott, LA-based actress and health coach. She may be best known for a recurring role as Officer Lenka on Rizzoli & Isles.
Lenka shares some great tips for adjusting to the busy entertainment industry and how to maintain a healthy and happy work-life balance. She also discusses her charity work, her love of animals and her global adventures.
How did you start acting?
I started acting when I was in high school. I had to take a fine art and knew I wasn’t any good at drawing, so signed up for my first theatre class. I was absolutely blown away with how much I loved it that I auditioned for the musical that fall, “Little Shop of Horrors,” and was a part of the ensemble. Having the experience of a live audience is a feeling that words cannot explain properly. Needless to say, I was hooked. I decided that once I graduated high school, I would be pursuing a career in acting over my original choice, which was to become a doctor or veterinarian. I graduated with a BA in Acting from the University of Arizona.
What brought you to Los Angeles?
I originally moved to LA with two friends right after we graduated from college but I was not prepared for how expensive the city was and how I would just be in survival mode rather than able to pursue my dream of a screen acting career. Therefore, I moved back to my home state of AZ for four years where I got my first agent, headshots, and first few commercial and print gigs. Once I felt I had a little more knowledge, I made the trek back to LA and have been here ever since (coming up on 9 years). I know that my dream career is acting on screen and I happen to love living in the City of Angels.
The life of an actor can be tough. Have you ever felt like giving up acting?
Hah, too many times to count. There are days when I question my career choice as I am not where I expected to be at this point in my life. But every time I feel like giving up, I get a sign from the Universe that I am, indeed, exactly where I am meant to be. And I still love doing what I do, including the hustle, the auditions, the possibility of my big break being around the corner, that I realize I am still happier in the pursuit than any bad day ever makes me believe I need to stop.
What keeps you motivated to stay the course in a very challenging/competitive industry?
I’m pretty lucky that I’m surrounded by people who support me. My family and my boyfriend are my biggest cheerleaders and it makes the tough times easier to handle. I also love that I continue to stay challenged in classes I take (online and in person) that make me grow as an actress as well as within myself. I’m very much into self-help and realize that meditation, mantras and visualizations keep me in a positive space and give me the ability to forge ahead in this crazy industry. And truth be told, as a Taurus, I’m a bit stubborn and unless I’m no longer having fun pursuing this career, no one else is going to get me to quit.
Tell me about what you’re working on now.
I’m actually just starting to get back into the acting game. I took about a year off (though I was still taking classes) because I was in school to become a health coach. Though in that time, I’ve been on set regularly as I do a lot of stand-in work and background. I just signed with my new manager, Kristina Sutton of Focused Artists, and am currently getting myself prepared for starting a new 42 Day Book-A-Job-Challenge (Dallas Travers’ program) to get back in the game and remind people I’m still around. I feel so much more prepared for going out on auditions after taking Bill Coelius’ Commercial 101 class so I’m really excited for the opportunities around the corner.
What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time off?
I love to do so many things. First and foremost, I have a 15 ½ year old dog named Sadie who I spend as much time with as possible. My boyfriend and I love this time of year because we go to the movies to see everything nominated for an Academy Award, including all foreign films and all of the shorts. I also love to hike (I try to find new hikes around Los Angeles but I mostly go to Fryman Canyon). I have rediscovered my love of books and am currently in the middle of about 4. I also love to travel. My boyfriend and I went on an incredible trip to Prague, Czech Republic and Paris, France this past summer. I truly can’t wait to take more trips and see the world. I’m incredibly interested in other cultures and want to experience as many as possible in my time here on this earth.
Who/What inspires you?
Oh so many things/people. There is an incredible foundation I support called The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation where the founder goes into Asian countries and rescues animals from the dog meat trade. I volunteer there when I have free time. Anyone who gives of their time to rescue animals and the environment speaks to my heart. My mom is another person who inspires me and pushes me to become the best version of myself. She gave up her entire life and all that she knew when she escaped communism with three young girls to give us a better chance at life. I will be forever grateful for her sacrifice. I’m constantly inspired by movies, TV, theatre and artwork. I recently saw Hamilton at the Pantages and wow, I was just blown away. I also find inspiration outside in nature. I’ll stop there but the list is endless.
What is your dream role?
The lead in an indie film that makes someone feel like they’re not alone. I would love to make someone cry, whether they’re tears of joy or sadness, I want to know that they were moved. What I love about being an actress is taking on roles that remind people of the human condition, that we’re not alone in the challenges we face. Movies and music have really helped me through tough times in my life, when I’ve lost a loved one, etc. And if I can do that for someone else, that would be pretty awesome.
Are there other things you enjoy pursuing?
Yes, I am also a health coach. My company’s name is Wellness Czech and I look forward to getting that off the ground as well. I already have a couple of clients who have been getting great results from working with me and it’s a wonderful feeling to know I’m helping someone get their health back on track. We have nothing in this life if we don’t have our health. I have learned that the hard way as many of my family members have passed away from cancer. So anything I can do to help someone age gracefully and to make them appreciate and take care of the one body they’re going to get in this life, it’s a wonderful feeling. I would also love to have an animal sanctuary at some point in my life but for now I volunteer around animals whenever possible.
Do you have any advice to young creative artists beginning their career?
You have to believe in you, because if you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else? Never give up unless you are no longer happy pursuing your passion. Make sure you have a life you love outside of acting. The more whole you are, the better you’ll be able to handle the rejection that happens all too often in this career choice. Go be a reader in a casting office. This is truly one of the best experiences to get more comfortable in an audition room. If you’re completely green, get on set doing background work so that you get comfortable with the process and know how a set runs, who you check-in with when you book that role, etc. And lastly, never stop learning. There is always more to learn. If you can’t afford to be in class, get your acting friends together regularly and practice, practice, practice. And for your own sanity, take up meditation and a daily gratitude practice.
Lenka Scott is a Los Angeles based actress and health coach. She had a recurring role as Officer Lenka on Rizzoli & Isles. Connect with Lenka and get updates on her acting career at www.lenkascott.com.
Do you need support prioritizing your own health and happiness? Schedule a health consultation with Lenka at [email protected] and follow Wellness Czech here.
Lenka shares some great tips for adjusting to the busy entertainment industry and how to maintain a healthy and happy work-life balance. She also discusses her charity work, her love of animals and her global adventures.
How did you start acting?
I started acting when I was in high school. I had to take a fine art and knew I wasn’t any good at drawing, so signed up for my first theatre class. I was absolutely blown away with how much I loved it that I auditioned for the musical that fall, “Little Shop of Horrors,” and was a part of the ensemble. Having the experience of a live audience is a feeling that words cannot explain properly. Needless to say, I was hooked. I decided that once I graduated high school, I would be pursuing a career in acting over my original choice, which was to become a doctor or veterinarian. I graduated with a BA in Acting from the University of Arizona.
What brought you to Los Angeles?
I originally moved to LA with two friends right after we graduated from college but I was not prepared for how expensive the city was and how I would just be in survival mode rather than able to pursue my dream of a screen acting career. Therefore, I moved back to my home state of AZ for four years where I got my first agent, headshots, and first few commercial and print gigs. Once I felt I had a little more knowledge, I made the trek back to LA and have been here ever since (coming up on 9 years). I know that my dream career is acting on screen and I happen to love living in the City of Angels.
The life of an actor can be tough. Have you ever felt like giving up acting?
Hah, too many times to count. There are days when I question my career choice as I am not where I expected to be at this point in my life. But every time I feel like giving up, I get a sign from the Universe that I am, indeed, exactly where I am meant to be. And I still love doing what I do, including the hustle, the auditions, the possibility of my big break being around the corner, that I realize I am still happier in the pursuit than any bad day ever makes me believe I need to stop.
What keeps you motivated to stay the course in a very challenging/competitive industry?
I’m pretty lucky that I’m surrounded by people who support me. My family and my boyfriend are my biggest cheerleaders and it makes the tough times easier to handle. I also love that I continue to stay challenged in classes I take (online and in person) that make me grow as an actress as well as within myself. I’m very much into self-help and realize that meditation, mantras and visualizations keep me in a positive space and give me the ability to forge ahead in this crazy industry. And truth be told, as a Taurus, I’m a bit stubborn and unless I’m no longer having fun pursuing this career, no one else is going to get me to quit.
Tell me about what you’re working on now.
I’m actually just starting to get back into the acting game. I took about a year off (though I was still taking classes) because I was in school to become a health coach. Though in that time, I’ve been on set regularly as I do a lot of stand-in work and background. I just signed with my new manager, Kristina Sutton of Focused Artists, and am currently getting myself prepared for starting a new 42 Day Book-A-Job-Challenge (Dallas Travers’ program) to get back in the game and remind people I’m still around. I feel so much more prepared for going out on auditions after taking Bill Coelius’ Commercial 101 class so I’m really excited for the opportunities around the corner.
What are some of your favorite ways to spend your time off?
I love to do so many things. First and foremost, I have a 15 ½ year old dog named Sadie who I spend as much time with as possible. My boyfriend and I love this time of year because we go to the movies to see everything nominated for an Academy Award, including all foreign films and all of the shorts. I also love to hike (I try to find new hikes around Los Angeles but I mostly go to Fryman Canyon). I have rediscovered my love of books and am currently in the middle of about 4. I also love to travel. My boyfriend and I went on an incredible trip to Prague, Czech Republic and Paris, France this past summer. I truly can’t wait to take more trips and see the world. I’m incredibly interested in other cultures and want to experience as many as possible in my time here on this earth.
Who/What inspires you?
Oh so many things/people. There is an incredible foundation I support called The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation where the founder goes into Asian countries and rescues animals from the dog meat trade. I volunteer there when I have free time. Anyone who gives of their time to rescue animals and the environment speaks to my heart. My mom is another person who inspires me and pushes me to become the best version of myself. She gave up her entire life and all that she knew when she escaped communism with three young girls to give us a better chance at life. I will be forever grateful for her sacrifice. I’m constantly inspired by movies, TV, theatre and artwork. I recently saw Hamilton at the Pantages and wow, I was just blown away. I also find inspiration outside in nature. I’ll stop there but the list is endless.
What is your dream role?
The lead in an indie film that makes someone feel like they’re not alone. I would love to make someone cry, whether they’re tears of joy or sadness, I want to know that they were moved. What I love about being an actress is taking on roles that remind people of the human condition, that we’re not alone in the challenges we face. Movies and music have really helped me through tough times in my life, when I’ve lost a loved one, etc. And if I can do that for someone else, that would be pretty awesome.
Are there other things you enjoy pursuing?
Yes, I am also a health coach. My company’s name is Wellness Czech and I look forward to getting that off the ground as well. I already have a couple of clients who have been getting great results from working with me and it’s a wonderful feeling to know I’m helping someone get their health back on track. We have nothing in this life if we don’t have our health. I have learned that the hard way as many of my family members have passed away from cancer. So anything I can do to help someone age gracefully and to make them appreciate and take care of the one body they’re going to get in this life, it’s a wonderful feeling. I would also love to have an animal sanctuary at some point in my life but for now I volunteer around animals whenever possible.
Do you have any advice to young creative artists beginning their career?
You have to believe in you, because if you don’t believe in yourself, why would anyone else? Never give up unless you are no longer happy pursuing your passion. Make sure you have a life you love outside of acting. The more whole you are, the better you’ll be able to handle the rejection that happens all too often in this career choice. Go be a reader in a casting office. This is truly one of the best experiences to get more comfortable in an audition room. If you’re completely green, get on set doing background work so that you get comfortable with the process and know how a set runs, who you check-in with when you book that role, etc. And lastly, never stop learning. There is always more to learn. If you can’t afford to be in class, get your acting friends together regularly and practice, practice, practice. And for your own sanity, take up meditation and a daily gratitude practice.
Lenka Scott is a Los Angeles based actress and health coach. She had a recurring role as Officer Lenka on Rizzoli & Isles. Connect with Lenka and get updates on her acting career at www.lenkascott.com.
Do you need support prioritizing your own health and happiness? Schedule a health consultation with Lenka at [email protected] and follow Wellness Czech here.